
Please read this disclaimer carefully before using newhomes.livingrealty.com (“website”) operated by KW Living Realty (“us”, ‘we”, “our”).

The content displayed on the website is the intellectual property of KW Living Realty and may not be reused, republished, or reprinted without our written consent.

All information published on the website is for general informational purposes only. While the information on this website has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors or that information hasn’t subsequently changed. In particular, because of the nature of new home development, details of a development may change, availability and prices may be altered, special offers can be ended, and other factors may change. We therefore make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, or reliability of any information on the website.

We shall not, under any circumstances, have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the website or the use of any information provided on the website. Your use of the website and your reliance on any information on the website is solely at your own risk

We reserve the right to change this policy at any given time. If you want to make sure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this page.

If you have any questions about this disclaimer or wish to contact us about any part of it, please visit the contact page on this website and use the forms to send a direct message.